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Detours Gay Travel Blog

What does it take to be a Detours Trip Leader? A look at your fearless leaders.

  • Brandon Folkes
  • May 6, 2020

One distinct feature of Detours is that every trip of ours comes with your very own Trip Leader. We comb through meticulously and find only the best of the best to lead our travelers through some of the most amazing places in the world. But some may ask: who are our trip leaders, and what qualities does it take to be one? Let’s go through and talk about some of the important things we look for in a Detours Trip Leader.


One distinctive and important quality we look for is that they are super knowledgeable in all locations they are travelling through. All our Trip Leaders are seasoned travellers with extensive experience in all the locations that they lead in. They know everything from the customs of the culture, all the best restaurants and bars to go too, even the unique special tricks of the trade like where to exchange money for the cheapest way possible. They also will know how to get around in each city as if it were their very own. All Trip Leaders have been to these locations many many times and can even consider some of these places as their second home. You will be able to trust and depend on them to get you where you are going in the safest and most fun way possible.


When travelling there are always things that tend to come up without notice. These can range from issues with transportation or shifting weather, or in some instances, local protests and closures. A good Trip Leader can always meld and adapt to these changes and ensure that no matter what, the group will still have something to do, a way to get there, and options ready in case things change last minute. He must be able to roll with the changes and think outside of the box to solve any issues that may arise on the fly. The best of the best will be able to do this without you even knowing!


It takes a lot of work to manage a group travelling around a country, and our Trip Leaders are very familiar with what it takes to do so. From making sure people are ready in time for important transport to destinations all the way to activity scheduling, they need to be able to juggle and manage a groups needs. This is not only for an entire group on a whole, but also on an individual traveller basis as well. It’s important for them to make sure you are getting the best you can out of your trip, while also handling the needs of everyone else. It requires a strong sense of organization and structure to be able to be flexible and available, while also making sure the itinerary stays its course and you get to see everything you want to see.


When travelling with a group, you will get to meet people of all kinds of backgrounds, lifestyles, histories, and personalities. Our Trip Leaders are there to be able to be approachable, there to chat with you and join you on adventures, and always a good friend to have on your trip. We find that most of our trip leaders end up being long-time friends with our guests afterwards and sometimes our guests will specifically join trips to have them on it! We pride ourselves with having the best fun-loving guys that join you on your worldly adventures. You can always count on your Trip Leader to be there for you.

In conclusion…

Most of the time you won’t even see the work your Trip Leader is doing and it will look like he’s just partying along with you the entire time, but you can be rest assured in knowing he’s working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is running smoothly and safely. Though it requires a tremendous amount of energy and focus, all our Trip Leaders have one specific thing in common: they love what they do. They love meeting new people, learning about their group and their guests, and sharing in on an adventure. If one thing is true, you will never find a more passionate, reliable, and fun travel companion then a Detours Trip Leader.